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Jett the wonder dog and I load up a few weekends ago and head over to the big city of Marianna, Florida for an Agility Trial. He is a novice dog and I am a novice as well at this event.
We enter these things and I go with no preconceived notions of anything except just having fun.
Keeping up with this blue eyed rocket is an impossible task. We go, we run, and I smile! Agility is a blast!
I give directions, when I can remember what direction to go in. It all happens so fast and I'm supposed to be cueing right, left, jump, etc... You get the picture.
We train at home, we go to classes, we enter a few trials, and we have a good time! I smile some more.
I keep thinking this might be some good exercise and keep me in better shape. It is keeping me out of breath right now!
Go Jett Go! This blue eyed wonder dog makes me smile!